Pupil Premium Funding
Please see our latest Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and financial breakdown of Pupil Premium spending.
SEP 2024 – JULY 2025
Our Pupil Premium projects and their impact:
Development of Aspirations and Career Interests
Children, including our Pupil Premium children, will be given opportunities to learn from different visitors involved in a range of different professions. Pupils will be given increased access to more pupil voice committees to develop leadership responsibilities, such as the Infant Leadership Team. Pupils will be surveyed to identify the careers they are interested in. Visiting workshops organised by East Norfolk Sixth Form College and other Further Education establishments.
- Children will have their aspirations raised.
- Pupils will identify the skills and qualifications needed for a specific career path they are interested in.
- Increased engagement with school and learning.
Pastoral Support
Our vision to implement a nurture space in the school to provide needed pastoral support to our pupils displaying emotional and social needs. This invaluable service would include toast time, family support and 1:1 support. Pupils would attend our nurture group in our N.E.S.T. (Nurture, Emotional Support, Therapy) which would run each week offering social, emotional and behavioural support. Pupils also attend daily sensory circuits.
- Improvements in emotional well-being and increased engagement with school.
- Increased self-esteem resulting in easier access to the curriculum.
- Family support improving relationships between home and school.
- Improved behaviour resulting in easier access to the curriculum.
- Improved social skills resulting in easier access to the curriculum.
Junior Duke of Edinburgh Award (Option for 2024-2025)
Children have access to achieving the Junior Duke of Edinburgh Award which teaches resilience, responsibility and resourcefulness.
- Increased sense of achievement to all pupils involved.
- Improved confidence.
Improved Reading Material
Children will be given access to improved reading material through the purchase of new books for the school library or class libraries.
- Increased passion for reading.
- Higher number of Barrington Stoke books to aid the children with dyslexic needs enjoy reading.
- Improved percentage of pupils at expected standard in reading.
Increased Staffing
Our need for additional staff can help run intervention groups to assist pupils to catch-up and recover towards the expected standards in their learning. Our fantastic staff are to be trained to deliver tutoring for our most disadvantaged pupils.
- Increased outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics.
- Diminishing the difference between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium children.
- Increased self-esteem resulting in easier access to the curriculum.
- More able pupils pushed further.
Music Specialist
The funding allows the school to enhance the curriculum on offer by employing a music specialist to provide a higher quality of learning for each class.
- Increased outcomes in Music with higher quality work and higher attainment achieved.
- Therapeutic nature of Music providing all pupils with opportunities to thrive emotionally and creatively.
- Increased confidence and involvement in musical performances.
Educational Visits & Residentials (supplementing costs)
Our Pupil Premium children are given access to all of our educational visits and residential trips at a reduced rate of fifty percent. If any eligible family is unable to contribute this amount this fund would be used to cover the full cost where possible. This year our residential trips may include Whitwell Hall.
- Access to high quality experiences where pupils have never been before.
- Increased confidence, independence and social interaction.
Generations' Project (Option from Spring/Summer Term 2025)
Implement a Generations' Project, which is a scheme where our disadvantaged families are invited in to participate in sessions of diverse learning from cookery to technology. Attending this scheme enables pupils to accumulate funding to spend on quality reading material. It is fabulous to see parents working closely alongside their children to raise the connection with the school and to augment the pupils' appreciation for learning. We are looking into utilising an external agent to deliver these outdoor sessions as an alternative this year.
- Improved academic and professional aspirations of disadvantaged pupils.
- Enhanced connections between parents and child.
- Improved understanding of current curriculum expectations, by sharing the learning between parent and child.
- Stronger connections between home and school.
- Increased outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
- Promoted passion for reading.
Enrichment Sessions (including Music Lessons) & Extra-Curricular Activities
Selected Pupil Premium children are offered music lessons free of charge. This year, there will be an increase in peripatetic lessons.
- Access to high quality music lessons.
- Increased music ability, carrying out their own compositions shared over social media with wider community.
- Increased social interaction.
- Access to a wider variety of extra-curricular clubs.
- Increased personal fitness and well-being for those who attended.
- More children wishing to pursue a new interest and passion.
This year we have £48,100 (including £1,341 Recovery Premium) to spend on the above projects.
Please look at the attachment or ask at the School Office for a breakdown of costs for the above projects.