Hello 3GV!

Our first few weeks - jam-packed with learning!
Well done 3GV for making it through the first few weeks in Junior School!
We have all settled in and written our first independent write - The True Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We focused on using time adverbials, onomatopoeia, precise verbs, describing taste, using conjunctions and using repetition.
In Maths, we have been focusing on Place Value and will now be moving onto Addition and Subtraction.
3GV have been very active scientists, we have been experimenting lots! We have investigated what light sources are, discovered what materials are reflective, and played some mirror games. We will also be investigating what opaque, translucent and transparent objects are.
3GV have also been very creative! We have experimented with different brush strokes and also different shading techniques. We have created our own version of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night and used these techniques to create our own sky painting. We also dived deep into our imagination and created our own Hippocrump picture using pencil marks, patterns and shading.
Let's love learning!