Straight as an Arrow!

Virtual Archery Competition helps every child represent the school!
It has been yet another hectic week in school. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with the Junior Leaders to finalise what courageous advocacy projects we feel would be beneficial this year. We are hoping to exploit a link with the John Grant School to enable our JLT to experience greater difference and diversity. I shall meet with the Headteacher there and some of their secondary pupils to arrange the link further. We will also be working on bee conservation and ensuring they are protected because they are so vitally important for the future.
The SENDIASS cafe was, once again, hosted and offered to all families across the Federation of Schools should any have wished to pop in to pick the brains of one of our SENDCOs or a visiting SEND specialist.
Friday saw the Premier Sports team engage all the children in a virtual Archery competition, which will see e our pupils' results pitted against other schools who use Premier Sports.The children became very competitive, whilst at the same time being very sporting. Our children do like to challenge themselves and I have every faith that our school will do well when all the results are collated. If this proves successful, we have arranged for future virtual competitions in Lacrosse and Athletics.
Next week, will be another opportunity for me to see how children are getting on in their lessons, as I conduct another round of lesson observations. I am sure they will all do well.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!