They think it's all is now!

Key Stage 2 SATs week comes to an end!
It has been another busy week involving trips and the Year 6 Key Stage Two SATS tests. Year 5 began the week travelling over to Whitwell Hall for their residential. As many of you will have seen from the photos of their week's activities, all pupils have enjoyed themselves. I managed to pop over on Thursday afternoon for a little while myself to see how they were all getting on and I was shown countless T-Shirt creations, I was presented with a hand-made bracelet and I managed to catch up with school and Whitwell staff to see how they all were fairing themselves. I do love Whitwell, as much as the children.
As I mentioned above the Key Stage Two SATS have been completed over the course of this week and the Federation and I are so proud of the children for all their efforts. They were very mature and responsible and I have everything crossed for a successful outcome for them. They have been committed to attending boosting clubs, practising and consolidating prior knowledge and always being prepared to do their very best. We will not get the results until July, so we do not have to think about them anymore. We were even invigilated by the Local Authority on how they were being administered in a random spot check and I am again pleased to say we did extremely well. The breakfasts were popular and each child who attended was well fed.
As a treat for the Year 6 children, they were transported to Scratby beach on Friday to have some fun in the sand together to celebrate the end of the SATS. I am sure they will enjoy themselves.
Our bees are doing well and they have been extremely active producing another super of honeycomb. Miss. McMylor and I think they have produced a new Queen, which caused a a little swarm for me to deal with on Wednesday in a neighbour's garden. Thankfully, after a couple of hours, they dispersed independently and returned to the hive without too much of an issue.
Next week, on Friday, we have Filby House Captains being Heads for the Day and a friendly fixture against Stalham for both a boys' and girls' team. On the same day, our PTFA will also be selling some ice poles on the playground at each school for £1.00 for those keen to refresh themselves before half-term. Let us hope it is a warm day.
Have a great weekend everyone!