Nesting Place!

NEST Nurture Provision continues to thrive!
It has been enjoyable this week to get around the classes to observe the reading fluency sessions that have been taking place across the school at 12:00-12:30pm. The pupils' interaction during these sessions was wonderful and I was impressed by the high level of expectations from the staff and the engagement from the children to show expression and tone. Some children, I could have listened to read for hours.
The Year 6 pupils have been busily preparing themselves for their imminent KS2 SATs. Obviously, there will be nerves, but there is no need to be because they are all more than ready and they will all be over before they know it. All we ask is that everyone does their very best. There is also our SATs breakfasts each morning to look forward to, so that any last minute worries can be settled and that sense of team spirit can be built.
Our NEST nurture space continues to work well, as have our new sensory circuit sessions taking place each morning manned by our fabulous support staff. Ms. Forder and Miss. Sims are superstars supporting the children in the NEST and really enable those in attendance to open up and offload their emotional burdens, helping them to cope with what might be troubling them.
Next week, do not forget we have a Bank Holiday on Monday and the school will be closed. On Tuesday, the Years 5 & 6 Boys' and Girls' footballers have their final matches of the season against St. George's Primary School, who will be coming over to us. We also have our Years 5 & 6 residential information session for parents after school on Wednesday 3rd May. We hope all those attending can make it.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!